jai Khurana : Owner of JAI ENTERPRISE and young entrepreneur

The beauty industry has never lacked successful  entrepreneurs . In 2005 JAI ENTERPRISE was established and now JAI ENTERPRISE is making  to build a beauty salon and cosmetics empire . Founder of jai enterprise mr jai Khurana is young entrepreneur who is very active on social media and has huge fan following know for his fashion sense jai is 19 year entrepreneurs form Rohtak Haryana ‘ growing his business into next level ‘ JAI says ‘ There was no precedent in the beauty space and I had no beauty experience; however I did have a strong merchandising background both in fashion and home, so while beauty was new, the fundamentals were the same but still with huge competition jai enterprise is outstanding and performing extraordinarily

I am someone that while considered accomplished and successful, has been plagued most of my life with insecurities, doubts, and fears. I am working through this and as I do, want to help anyone else in this process.”

It’s never too late to start over—ever! And surround yourself with people who will encourage you not to give up.”

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