A Pathway to Jobs and Entrepreneurship : Empowering India Through Skill Development

Article By Vikram Singh Chirana

India stands at the threshold of unprecedented opportunity, driven by its young and dynamic population. With over 65% of its citizens under the age of 35, we possess the potential to emerge as a global economic powerhouse. However, potential alone is not enough. Our demographic dividend will only translate into a real advantage if our youth are equipped with the *skills of tomorrow*. In today’s rapidly changing economy, where traditional roles are evolving and new industries are emerging, the need for skill development has never been greater.

I have always believed that “ youth are not just job seekers; they are job creators and innovators waiting to unleash their potential.” The right training can unlock vast opportunities, both in formal employment and in entrepreneurship. In this article, I will explore the vital role skill development plays in the Indian economy and how it opens doors to both employment and entrepreneurial success.

Addressing the Skill Gap: The Need of the Hour : India is home to one of the largest youth populations in the world, adding 12 million people to its workforce annually. However, only about 2.3% of our workforce has received formal training, as noted by the *Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship*. This stark contrast reveals a massive gap between the skills possessed by individuals and the skills required by modern industries.

This skill gap is particularly noticeable in sectors such as information technology, healthcare, manufacturing, and renewable energy, where industries are evolving faster than our educational system. Many of our youth, though educated, remain unemployable because they lack industry-specific skills.

Education opens the mind, but skills empower the hands,” and it is this empowerment that skill development provides. Structured training through initiatives like Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana (PMKVY) and National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) has become a critical bridge between education and employment.

Enhancing Employability: The Promise of a Better Future: India’s unemployment rate, recorded at 7-8% in 2023 by the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE), remains a significant challenge. At the heart of this issue lies a mismatch between the academic qualifications of individuals and the actual needs of industries. Skill development programs offer a solution by enhancing the employability of our workforce.

Through formal training programs, individuals gain practical, hands-on experience, making them far more attractive to employers. Whether it’s training in automotive repair, healthcare assistance, or digital marketing, skill development courses equip students with market-relevant knowledge and certifications. In many sectors, candidates trained under programs like PMKVY have demonstrated higher employability and wage growth than their untrained counterparts.

In addition to domain-specific skills, industries are increasingly valuing soft skills like teamwork, communication, and problem-solving. Skill training, by focusing on both hard and soft skills, ensures that individuals are adaptable and prepared for the demands of modern workplaces.

Reducing Inequality: A Pathway to Social Mobility : Skill development has the power to reduce economic disparities and elevate marginalized communities. In rural India, skill training provides the opportunity to break out of the cycle of poverty. Programs like the Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY) have been instrumental in transforming the lives of youth in rural areas, offering them vocational training and linking them with employment opportunities in urban centers.

When people acquire skills relevant to their local economies, they not only find jobs but also create value for their communities. For instance, a youth trained in *organic farming* can revolutionize the agricultural practices of their village, leading to sustainable growth.

Opportunities for Jobs After Skill Development : Several sectors in India are witnessing explosive growth and are actively seeking skilled professionals. Among these sectors are:

Information Technology: As India continues to be a leader in IT and IT-enabled services, the demand for skilled professionals in areas like data science, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence is ever-growing. According to NASSCOM, India’s IT sector will employ over 4.5 million people by 2025.

Healthcare: The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the demand for healthcare professionals, including nurses, lab technicians, and paramedics. India’s National Health Policy 2017 predicts that the healthcare industry will generate 40 million jobs by 2030.

Renewable Energy: India’s commitment to renewable energy presents significant opportunities. The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) projects that the sector will create over 3 million jobs by 2030, particularly in solar and wind energy.

These industries are ripe for individuals with the right skills, offering not just jobs but careers that can evolve with the economy.

Government-Led Employment Initiatives : Government programs such as the PMKVY, Apprenticeship Act, and the National Employability Enhancement Mission (NEEM) are driving employment by partnering with industries to provide on-the-job training. “Learning by doing” is a powerful method of skill acquisition, allowing individuals to adapt to real-world challenges and develop industry-relevant expertise.

As of 2023, over 13 million individuals have been trained under PMKVY, with many successfully placed in sectors like manufacturing, retail, and IT. The success of these programs underlines the importance of continuing to invest in skill development for sustained economic growth.

The Rise of Job Creators Opportunities for Entrepreneurship After Skill Development: Skill development is not just about securing jobs. It is about empowering individuals to *become job creators. By fostering a culture of innovation, skill development programs open the doors to entrepreneurship. Initiatives such as Startup India and the Mudra Yojana provide budding entrepreneurs with access to financial support and mentorship.

India’s startup ecosystem has seen rapid growth, with over 100 unicorn startups valued at more than $1 billion. I believe that “every entrepreneur starts with a skill, and that skill, when nurtured, has the potential to transform industries.” Skill training in areas like digital marketing, web development, or food processing has led to the rise of thousands of small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

Rural Entrepreneurship: Case Studies of Success : Several inspiring success stories emerge from India’s skill development programs. Consider the artisans in Rajasthan, trained in traditional handicrafts. Through initiatives by the Rajasthan Skill and Livelihood Development Corporation (RSLDC), these artisans have gained exposure to modern marketing strategies and e-commerce platforms. Today, many of them sell their crafts on global platforms like Amazon Karigar, turning a skill into a thriving business.

Similarly, in agriculture, skill training in organic farming and sustainable practices has allowed farmers to become agripreneurs. With new techniques and value-added products, these farmers are not only improving their livelihoods but also contributing to India’s growing agro-economy.

The Road Ahead for India’s Skill Development Mission : The next phase of India’s skill development journey must involve deeper collaboration between the government, private sector, and educational institutions. Industry-led skill training, combined with government-backed certifications, will ensure that individuals are equipped with the relevant skills to succeed in high-demand sectors.

 Leveraging Technology for Greater Reach : Technology holds the key to scaling skill development efforts across the country. With e-learning platforms, virtual labs, and online certification programs, even those in remote areas can access high-quality training. The COVID-19 pandemic has already accelerated the shift towards digital learning, a trend that must continue to ensure inclusivity.

India’s path to becoming a global economic leader lies in its ability to skill its youth. The importance of skill development cannot be overstated—it creates opportunities for employment, fosters entrepreneurship, and drives innovation. As we continue to build a skilled workforce, we are not just preparing individuals for jobs; we are creating a future where “every skilled hand shapes India’s growth.”

With the right investment in training and education, India can harness its demographic dividend and unlock the full potential of its people. The future is bright, and it is in our hands to ensure that skill development becomes the foundation of India’s growth story.

Vikram Singh Chirana is an entrepreneur and leader in India’s Training and Skill Development sector. With over 15 years of experience, he is the founder of One India Skills, a company that has successfully trained over 38,000 candidates and helped thousands secure employment or start their own businesses. Recognized with numerous awards, including the Hind Ratan Award and International Achievers Award, Vikram is also the President of the Training Providers Association in Rajasthan, where he actively shapes policies to empower training providers and promote skill development across the country.

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