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How Biotechnology has Helped Cancer Research and Treatment?

 Cancer is one of the most common diseases in the world. Every year, it kills nearly half a million people and causes 1.8 million new cancer cases. But evolving medical technologies like biotechnology have heralded great potential in the research and treatment of cancer.

Biotechnology is the use of technologies to alter living organisms to improve their quality.

Biotechnology is the use of technology to alter living organisms to improve their quality. Biotechnology can be used in both commercial and academic settings. Innovations like telehealth and robotic surgery have improved outcomes in cancer treatment. Let us look at 3 incredible biotech innovations that helps in cancer research and treatment.

1 – Infinium Assay

Infinium Assay is a technology used to detect disease markers. It is used to determine the presence of DNA mutations that are associated with cancer. The technology has been developed by Ingenious Bioscience, Inc., in collaboration with Roche Diagnostics Corporation and Warner Chilcott Limited.

Infinium Assay works by detecting specific molecules called biomarkers on cells or tissues from a patient’s sample using an innovative technique called mass spectrometry (MS). The MS instrument converts biological materials into ions that can be separated according to their mass-to-charge ratios; this allows scientists to identify specific molecules based on their molecular weights and charges.


CRISPR, short for Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats, is a gene editing tool that’s been used to treat cancer. It works by copying a piece of DNA and inserting it into the genome. Oncology specialists can use this process to target specific sequences in your body that may lead to disease or help you fight off infections like HIV/AIDS or malaria.

CRISPR has also been shown to be effective in killing cancer cells at an early stage of development. This is possible through its ability to target specific regions on chromosomes where genes are located.

3 – Artificial Intelligence in cancer treatment

AI has displayed immense value in decision-making on the best treatment strategy for any patient with cancer. This ensures that they are given only the most effective therapies available at their stage of the disease. This revolutionary technology will revolutionize healthcare by allowing patients and doctors alike to access information about their illnesses quickly, efficiently, and effectively.

AI doesn’t have to rely on manual data entry or other means of gathering information about their health history or lifestyle habits. It does this by analyzing vast amounts of data from electronic medical records (EMR) systems, such as EMRs from hospitals or private practices across different regions across North America, into one central database.


There are many studies on the use of biotechnology and artificial intelligence in cancer treatment. In recent years, researchers have made progress with these technologies. The most notable advancements include the ability to treat tumors using nanoparticles or by using CRISPR gene editing to destroy cancerous cells without harming healthy ones.

We foresee further advancements in biotechnology that will provide more impetus for the research, diagnostics, and treatment aspects of fighting cancer.

Content Authored By: Ayushi Hisaria

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