Noted Educationist Ranjit Bijoor Awarded a Doctorate in Education

Dr. Ranjit Bijoor was recently awarded a “Doctorate” In the field of Education by a French University. Dr. Ranjit Bijoor said, “My thesis in Educational Reforms in the Indian Education System is the need of the hour!”

Dr. Ranjit Bijoor was recently awarded a “Doctorate” In the field of Education by a French University. Dr. Ranjit Bijoor said, “My thesis in Educational Reforms in the Indian Education System is the need of the hour!”

Replying on a question raised by a reporter about the main challenges in the Indian Education System, Dr. Ranjit Bijoor replied, “India is one of the largest graduate-producing factories in the world! But sadly also a country that has the worst unemployment problem!! And the biggest contradiction is that India at the same time has an acute shortage of Skilled Manpower.”

Replying to a query by another reporter, Dr. Ranjit Bijoor replied, “It is absolutely wrong to say that we always had a problem in our Education System! The Indian education system during the time of Gurukuls was the best in the world. It produced generations of kings, scholars, and people of wisdom. It covered virtually every facet of Education in detail.”

On a more emotional note, Dr. Ranjit Bijoor added. “When I started my own journey as an Entrepreneur at the age of 20 I was an expert in Botany & Algebra or knew all the names of all the Mughal Kings or when the battle of Panipat was fought. But sadly I did not know how to open a bank account or even write a cheque! I realized that my 15 years of formal education had given me absolutely no Skills as an Entrepreneur or any kind of basic Financial Skills!!”

Dr. Ranjit stressed that internships should form an integral part of education whereby students from 9th or 10th grade onwards should be exposed to an actual work environment, be it a bank or an actual factory.

Dr. Ranjit Bijoor said, “The problem in our Education System is very vast! The solution cannot be done overnight. Educationists across India need to start taking baby steps toward Educational Reforms. My thesis won’t solve the entire problem overnight, but I am happy it will make a difference over time, however small it may be!!”

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