Startup And Entrepreneur Perspective By Shivani Sharma Chefpreneur And Founder – Gourmestan

1. How did your culinary background influence the creation and development of Gourmestan?

My culinary background is of a chef, and what influenced me to start Gourmestan was that there was nobody working with millets, clean eating and gut-friendly food, at the time. I was inspired to create artisanal products using base ingredients that are easily available in the country, to also introduce an element of sustainability. That inspired me to start Gourmestan. The motivation that drives me is my absolute inner desire to make people eat, and for them to embrace eating healthy.

2. How does Gourmestan stay innovative in the ever-evolving culinary industry?

Gourmestan stays innovative because the chefs and the team driving Gourmestan are innovative. We are always trying to create something completely new and seasonal. We are always looking at current trends and trying to adapt those with our signature healthy twist.

3. Are there any new markets or regions you are planning to expand into in the near future?

Yes. In terms of India, I am looking to expand to the southern region, especially to cities such as Hyderabad and Bangalore. And overseas, I am looking at the UK, the United States and UAE as markets.

4. The culinary market in Dubai is booming along with its overall growth. What are your thoughts on this trend, and how does Gourmestan plan to capitalize on the opportunities in Dubai?

Gourmestan will definitely be growing in the Gulf region, with a different concept. We are keenly looking at expanding our presence in Dubai and UAE. These regions are highly influenced by brands from Europe, the UK and the US – people here travel very frequently, since the UAE is a multi-nationality country. Thus, there is excellent recall and recognition for brands they have experienced overseas.

At the same time, the UAE is now also moving towards creating their own homegrown brands. Even expats from other nations are creating and growing new concepts in this region. I do see a good mix of both, but I also see that this mix brings its own set of challenges – it is a very diverse market and to capture this diversity, you must have a palate which matches the people living here.

5. How do you perceive the current market for the culinary industry? What are some of the emerging trends you’ve noticed?

I think the current F&B industry is growing. I feel that more people are becoming aware about clean eating. And so, I am seeing FMCG brands developing mass product lines that are attuned to the principles of clean eating.

Consumers are increasingly becoming health-conscious, especially after the pandemic, and are consciously choosing clean products. I also see the industry evolving, with specific niches emerging. However, foraying into the clean gourmet space does involve a high level of risk – not every player has the palate and pocket size to regularize an experience that is inherently expensive and labour-intensive.

All in all, I believe that the emergence of FMCG goods in this category will infuse innovation and that their presence is here to stay.

6. What do you think are the key factors driving the growth of the culinary industry today?

The key factors driving the growth of the culinary industry are innovation, experiential setups and experiential concepts in the culinary industry.  Another important and heartening trend I have observed is chefs and entrepreneurs reimagining the local cuisines of India and interpreting them in a much more defined and refined form, to make them more accessible.

7. How has the market landscape changed since you started Gourmestan, and how has your business adapted to these changes?

I have observed many talented people coming into the industry and creating amazing brands. However, even as we acknowledge and appreciate their presence, as a brand we are looking inward to constantly maintain our standards and offer goods that delight our clientele, rather than regarding them as competition. For our team, consistency matters the most. Our brand is known for its focused approach to clean, gourmet products with an emphasis on locally and sustainably produced ingredients – so, we look inwards and try to keep bettering what we do the best.

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