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The 4th World Karate and Martial Arts Championship: A Triumph of Skill and Spirit in the Virtual Realm

Traditional Karate Do Okinawa Kobudo Indo Kyu Kai had organised World Karate and Martial Arts Championship session 4.0 under the supervision of Shihan Ayan Chakraborty.

This International virtual tournament evaluates by renowned international masters like Shihan Dave Treadwell from England, Master Suresh Mariappan from Malaysia, Shihan Mohammad Ali from Bangladesh, Shihan Sambhu Shrestha from Nepal and Shihan Ayan Chakraborty from India. Participants countries were India , Nepal, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Germany and England.

Almost 200 participants took participation in this virtual International tournament. 25 students of Sensei Bibhas Mondal also participated in this mega event from Safuipara Sabuj Sangha and secured most of Gold, Silver and bronze in different categories.

Traditional Karate-Do Okinawa Kobudo Indo Kyokai have branches in India, Ukraine, Spain, Macau & Seychells. Every year they invite foreign Grand Masters from different countries and organised international training camp in Kolkata.

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