Vertigo Treatment At Its Best From The Best! Let’s Find Out Who Is The Best In Chandigarh For Vertigo Management

The extent to which you might be facing health issues is quite vague unless you get a good body checkup. Taking care of yourself and getting a checkup every time you feel uneasy is important. Vertigo is a serious health problem people often mistake as something normal and not so serious health issue.

What is Vertigo?

Vertigo is a health issue where you get a sensation making you feel like everything around you is moving or spinning. Vertigo is recognized more as a symptom, rather than a health condition that is caused by Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV), Migraines, Labyrinthitis, Vestibular Neuronitis, Central Vertigo, Vestibular Rehabilitation, and many more.

Types of Vertigo

  • Peripheral vertigo: caused due to problem in the inner part of the ear directly controlling the balance of the body.
  • Central vertigo: caused due to issues in the brain, specifically in the brain stem or the backside of the brain.

Symptoms associated with Vertigo

Symptoms associated with vertigo can be a bit difficult to differentiate because sometimes you can hardly notice the symptoms while sometimes it is very severe, creating difficulties in maintaining balance and carrying out different activities throughout the day. Feeling sick and dizzy, and loss of balance are the common symptoms associated with Vertigo, however, if the condition gets severe and lasts for several days constantly, you need to check up real quick and start medications.

Vertigo can cause difficulties in daily life activities as it weakens your body, causes dizziness, and many other issues. The treatment process should be initiated early to stay away from any kind of casualties later.

What are the causes leading to vertigo?

The most common cause of vertigo is when small crystals break free and start floating inside the semicircular canal, leading to vertigo attacks. Irritation or swelling conditions in the inner ear is also one of the root causes of vertigo triggers or attacks. The other less prominent causes are cholesteatoma, migraine, diabetes, pregnancy, and many more.

Important tests and diagnosis procedures

Vertigo is a very common health issue that can be severe with time. Proper diagnosis is important for the same. Some tests and diagnostic procedures used to determine the root cause of Vertigo are

  • Dix-Hallpike Maneuver (used to figure out if vertigo is caused by inner ear problem)
  • Head impulse test (used to determine if the eyes and ears are working well together)
  • Electronystagmography (ENG) and videonystagmography (VNG) (both are used to determine rather the symptoms are caused by inner ear problems)
  • Romberg test (detects how much your body sways or falls by making you stand with your eyes closed)
  • Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potential (VEMP) (evaluates the working condition of your nerves attached to your inner ear)
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) (used to identify possible causes for vertigo)
  • Posturography (analyses the balance and posture of your body)
  • Hearing tests (used to detect issues in the inner ear)

Depending upon the different symptoms analyzed by your doctor, you will have to take several tests. However, determining the symptoms of vertigo is much harder and time-consuming, so try to stay optimistic when dealing with it.

Vertigo treatments are now available in Chandigarh. After much research and consideration regarding the best treatment institutions and cost-effective treatment procedures, we land upon the agreement to suggest the E.N.T. Head and Neck Surgery Specialist, Dr. Lovkesh Mittal.

A splendid doctor specializing in vertigo management, Dr. Lovkesh Mittal is working hard for the correct diagnosis for vertigo treatment. He has cured many people suffering from Vertigo problems. He determines the root cause of vertigo by conducting tests and after a proper diagnosis of the body, he suggests solutions accordingly.

With guidance and expert help from Dr. Lovkesh Mittal, get the best treatment for Vertigo issues in Chandigarh. Book an appointment with Dr. Lovkesh Mittal now!

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Contact number: 7293939326

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